My Children



 In 1984 I survived a near death accident. A second chance at life is more than a miracle, it's a gift... One year later, at sixteen years old, I had a planned pregnancy with my first child. Somehow I just knew it was the path that I was supposed to follow. Having a baby was all I could think about. I tried for months before I actually got pregnant. I left high school and decided to go to hairdressing school. I then went to night school and got my diploma. At 17 years old I had my first son. 

I remember like it was yesterday... On my high school prom night my friends stopped by my house in their formal dresses. I was sitting on the bathroom floor giving my son a bath. At that moment I smiled at my baby and my heart filled with love. There was nowhere in the world that I wanted to be more than with him. Raising my three children has been the joy of my life...

_____________MIRACLE # 1 ___________

1985 - Me pregnant with RJ, My Mom & Sister Stephanie

12/2/85 - Happy Birthday RJ! 
 8lb.9oz. / 21" / 11:20pm
I Love You!
1987 - Me & RJ
_____________MIRACLE # 2 ___________

1988 - RJ and My Baby Bump "Travis"

10/5/88 - Happy Birthday Travis! 
7lb.15oz. / 20" / 9:22pm
I Love You!
1988 - RJ & Travis
1988 - Me, Travis, RJ
My poor little man... Travis had colic until he was almost 10 months old. He had very good lungs and did a lot of screaming! As soon as his tummy felt better he was the happiest child in the world...

_____________MIRACLE # 3 ___________

 1991 - RJ, Travis & Me 8 months Pregnant with Nicole

Smiling in between contractions :-)
2/3/91 - Happy Birthday Nicole!
7lb.14oz. / 20" / 3:26am
I Love You!

1991 - Travis, Nicole, RJ

1991 - Me & Nicole

 1991 - Me, RJ, Nicole, Travis
1992 - Me, Nicole, Travis, RJ

1993 - Me, Travis, Nicole, RJ
 1993 Halloween - RJ, Nicole, Travis
I made Nicole's bride costume and she won "cutest costume"  
1994 - Travis, RJ, Nicole

1995 - Travis, RJ, Nicole
1995 - Me, RJ, Nicole, Travis & Santa (my dad)

1996 - RJ, Nicole, Travis
1999 - RJ, Travis, Nicole (Annie & Amber)
2001 - Travis, Nicole, RJ (Ashley, Annie & Amber)

2002 - Travis, Nicole, RJ
2005 - Travis, Nicole, RJ
RJ & Travis fishing

Nicole: My little dancer <3

 2008 - Nicole & Me
RJ & Travis with their Quads - Always outside having fun :)
2009 - Travis, Me, RJ
2010 - Nicole, Travis, Me, RJ

 2010 - Travis, Me, Nicole, RJ
 2011 - Travis, Me, RJ, Nicole

RJ & Travis 
Watching them lifting this engine this was very cool to see! That is the engine right? I'm such a girl :)

2011 - Travis, Me, RJ
2012 - Nicole & Me
Mother's Day 2013 - RJ, Me, Travis, Nicole

 2013 - RJ & Me

2013 - Travis & Me

Christmas 2013 - Nicole, Travis, Me, RJ
 Travis, RJ, Nicole
Me & RJ

2/3/14 - Me & Nicole on her 23rd Birthday

2014 - Mother's Day (Me & Nicole)

 2014 - Mother's Day (THREE GENERATIONS) Mom, Me, Nicole <3

2014 - Mother's Day (Nicole & Me) 

2014 - Mother's Day (Travis, Nicole, Me, RJ)

2014 - Mother's Day (Me & Nicole)

Nicole & Me <3

Nicole & Me - July 4th 2014

RJ, Me, Nicole, Travis - Christmas 2014

Easter 2015

My daughter is scheduled to deliver my first Grandchild on October 29th, 2015!!!

Mother's Day 2015

The baby bump XO

July 4th, 2015

 (27 weeks pregnant with baby Paityn!!)

Christmas 2015

Mother's Day 2016

Christmas 2016

Mother's Day 2017