Me & My Daughter Nicole <3 |
My Brother Ben, Daughter Nicole, Sister-in-law Loraine <3 |
Me & My Daughter Nicole <3 |
Got my baby fix for the day <3 This is my sister-in-laws beautiful niece XO! |
My Brother Ben & My Sister-in-law Loraine <3 |
Me & My Daughter Nicole <3 |
My Sister Stephanie, My Dad, His Wife Sue, My Daughter Nicole <3 |
Watching Fireworks on Andover Lake in Dad's back yard. Thank you Dad & Sue for A Great Night <3 |
Me & My Daddio <3 |
MY DAD... My strong, amazing, loving dad. Your journey to beat lung cancer has begun. It touched my heart when you told me that I am your inspiration. So much of what you see in me I have learned from you. Always know that you have given me the strength to be who I am today. You have always been by my side - You have been my rock. Now I will be your rock. I will give you strength, and love, and support. I will remind you of how strong you are. I will remind you to give yourself all of the love and comfort that you always give to me, as if I was in your shoes right now. You were there when I was fighting for my life, and now I am by your side as you fight for yours. Our amazing family has pulled together like we always do. We are here to fill your world with love. You can beat this dad. Your strength and determination has inspired me to never give up. To always believe that anything is possible. I love you my Daddio. Lisa
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