The Magic of the Ocean...

Long Island Sound in Clinton, CT

I thought this was so cool... This one bright ray of sunshine came down and pointed to my heart. The little things that excite me :-)

Feel the positive energy...

Stop and see the beauty all around you...

Quiet Your Mind...

Center your thoughts...

Stress is poison to your mind and body.
Relax and let it all go. Feel the negativity leaving your body...

Let go of Fear, Sadness, Jealousy and Anger...
Fill your mind with Love, Faith, Happiness and Kindness.

Happiness is a choice. It is a state of mind.

Show compassion for all living things.

Take your troubles to the water. 
The ocean is cleansing and healing to the mind, body, and soul.

Crazy beach hair!
Once the salt water touches my hair there is no taming it.

 Allow yourself moments of being carefree like you are a child again. 
Don't always take life so seriously.

Enjoy the simple pleasures in life that make you feel good and smile...

Happiness comes from within :-)

It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you or your life.  
This is your life so make it a good one!

BELIEVE that you deserve to be happy.
Anything else is a lie...

Trust in the Universe...

Live what you love...

Learn to love yourself. You are "the only you" that you have. 
You are perfect just the way you are.


Sending Love to All... HUGS!!

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