Save Your Sweaters

This chunky turtleneck is one of the warmest and coziest sweaters that I own. I love it so much and I have actually had this sweater for about 15 years!!! I guess that pretty much makes it vintage :-) I use a Sweater Comb and rechargeable sweater shaver to keep it looking like new. They do wear out pretty quickly and I usually go through 2-3 shavers every winter. Fortunately they only cost around $3 each. These shavers have saved many of my sweaters and coats from going in the garbage.
Where to Buy: Sweater Comb & Sweater Shaver

Similar Chunky Black Turtleneck Sweater, Similar Flap Pocket Skinny Jeans, Similar Black Suede Ankle Boots, Similar Leopard Satchels, mine is Anne Klein sold out at DSW, Similar Jacket

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  1. Love your coat! Hope you'll share this post on the #styleWERKshop Link up!

  2. Thank you Claire!! I love your blog :-)

  3. Omg!! I want that coat! Thanks for linking up at Who's Wearing What Wednesdays at Pastries, Pumps and Pi!

    1. It's so old just like the sweater LOL.. I love finding items that I wear until they fall apart :-) Thank you for a great link up!!

  4. Beautiful sweater, I love it. Visit our page White + Warren for more sweater design. Thanks !
