Happy Birthday To My Beautiful Granddaughter Paityn XOXO!!!

Paityn is finally here!! She was born October 29, 2015 @ 10:18PM / 6lbs 15oz / 19 inches long. Everything went well and my daughter Nicole did such a great job! Watching my baby girl give birth to her baby girl was the most beautiful experience!!! Paityn has been doing great, however she is back in the hospital because of jaundice. She is having phototherapy under special lights until her levels stabilize XOXO.

Nicole before the epidural. Not a happy camper LOL... 
Fifteen minutes later she was numb and didn't feel a thing until after she delivered :-)

I Love Facetime XOXO!!!

We were talking about shopping LOL :-)

Paityn has some great lungs! Oh how I love her little pout XOXO.


  1. Congratualtions to you and your family, your daughter . He is so lovely and small!! Best wishes.
    jess xx
